It is important for health and wellness professionals to develop psychologically, spiritually and physically. Practitioners must evolve because they are the leading edge of change and they cannot lead until they themselves have experienced the transformation. I personally want to develop and improve upon my leadership goals and develop a more biologically profound body. To do this, I will need to increase my exercise and lose some weight.
II Assessment:
To foster greater wellness in my biological life, I intend to eat better (no more sweets and simple carbs) and get at least 30 minutes, preferably 60 minutes of exercise. cardio daily, along with 30-60 minutes of toning and stretching exercises, pilates and yoga. I have begun the meditative practices and along with prayer, begin my day in this way. Whenever I find myself faltering or waning in courage, tenacity, strength, desire or ambition, I go back to my meditative practice and recharge myself. My spiritual score is around a 7, physical score is around a 6, and psychological score is around a 7.
III Goal development:
My goal for my physical area is, as I have mentioned, to increase physical activity and decrease weight. My goal for my psychological and spiritual activity is to incorporate loving-kindness and integral health into my work and personal life.
IV Practices for personal health:
To improve my biological health, I am implementing 30 minutes, preferably 60 minutes of exercise which includes daily cardio, along with 30-60 minutes of toning and stretching exercises, pilates and yoga. I have begun the meditative practices and along with prayer, begin my day in this way. Whenever I find myself faltering or waning in courage, tenacity, strength, desire or ambition, I go back to my meditative practice and recharge myself.
To improve my psychological and spiritual health, I will meditate and pray every morning and every time I feel like I need it. I will practice the loving kindness meditation and listen to the Rainbow Meditation.
V Commitment:
My progress will be easily assessed through how I feel and the success in my work that I am experiencing, which will include my finances. My strategies to maintain long-term practices for health and wellness will continue to remind myself of my goals and my daughter’s upcoming wedding this October. I want to be able to well afford her wedding, as well as look good for it. I have been in "love" with Integral health for as long as I can remember. The only time I feel "alive" while working is when I am able to teach others the wonders of integral health and thus, Human Flourishing is an area I have been searching for. I do not believe there will be any problem with my commitment now that I have landed. My commitment to my biological health, my daughter, my new husband and my family all bridge the area I am most comfortable in.